The elusive “free” airline upgrade… For some people it’s just a matter of asking, while to others it’s no different than trying to crack the nation’s gold vault at Fort Knox. Here are the top 10 ways travelers usually get what they want.
With gas prices plummeting further and further, there’s never been a better time to take a good ole fashioned American road trip to and through some of North America’s most attractive sights and cities.
The road trip is as much a part of American culture as chicken wings and watered down beer. Here are 11 scenic highways you might want to include on your itinerary.
The Love Hotel industry in Japan is a booming one, at over $40-billion in annual sales. Come check out the quirky (and kinky) activities offered in these “couples only” themed hotel rooms.
This coastal island paradise is a favorite destination for world travelers and expats looking for an inexpensive tropical paradise to live in. There’s much to do and plenty to see and experience during your time in Colombo.
You may have heard about some of these facts about traveling in Europe and decided to pass them off as rumors and innuendo. The following 10 things (good and bad) about Euro travel are in fact true.
Bangkok is one of the most popular South Asian cities that travelers flock to for fun, sun, food and relaxation. Here’s 22 things you need to put on your itinerary next time you visit!
There’s few activities more mysterious and awe-inspiring than diving in ocean destinations around the world. Here are (in my opinion) 5 of the best dive locations on the planet.
Many of you will be going to Japan to experience eastern culture up close and personal. Use the 10 tips discussed in this video to prepare for a seamless vacation or business trip to this wonderful Asian island.