Is it Possible to Travel the World with Almost no Cash at all?

You’ll find this 20 minute video to be informative, inspiring and also quite comical. True to form, world traveler Tomislav Perko is a very witty man with a lot of great tips and stories to tell.

The road less traveled is one that this man’s obviously quite familiar with.

If you’re like him (and me) and don’t like lazing around your home town, or whatever place you currently find yourself in, don’t fool yourself into thinking you need to have thousands sitting in your bank account.

When I was 18, I remember that I thought travel was impossible without saving a bunch of dough or having tons of credit to play with, then a guy I worked with for a few weeks told me this one simple thing:

“All you need is enough money for a plane ticket dude. A good personality will get you most everything else: a couch to sleep on, odd jobs, transportation (ie., mainly hitch hiking), and food.”

This was in the late 1990’s too, so there was no way to really make money remotely via freelancing, blogging and vlogging, like there is now either.

Hopefully that’s the message you take away with you today if you’re on the fence about getting away for awhile — or forever even!